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Powdery Mildew Solutions
Explore effective strategies to combat powdery mildew and protect your hops from devastating effects.
Mildew Management Solutions
Powdery Mildew
Powdery Mildewis caused by the fungus Podosphaera Macularis. This is not a fungus brewers should take lightly because it can cause severe crop damage and may result in lost production and minimized cone quality.
The fungus appears as small, circular, white to silvery-white powdery colonies on the hop leaves, buds, stems and cones. As the fungus spreads, the colonies increase in size from about 1/16 inch to 1/2 inch or larger. When the mildew is spread to the female flower or cone it becomes very serious and can cause yields to drop 80% or more. Infestation in early stages of the female flower may cause the cone to never develop or it can become deformed and brittle as it forms. Some affected cones may show the white powdery fungal growth, but in other cases it may only be visible under a microscope.
Conidia, air-borne spores are released from the fungal colonies and carried by the wind for miles. Newly-formed infections produce the conidia in 96 hours. The fungus strives on high humidity and temperatures between 55°F and 90°F.
Begin in early spring by removing all green tissue during spring pruning (even shoots on the side of hills).
Apply first fungicide as soon as shoot growth resumes after pruning.
Try our organic mildew and fungicide solutions. Easy to use and listed OMRI.
SaferGro Mildew Cure Concentrate (16 oz)
Safer Brand 3-in-1 Garden Spray RTU
Prevention Techniques
Learn about proactive measures to prevent powdery mildew from affecting your hop plants effectively.
Treatment Options
Managing Powdery Mildew in Hop: Best Practices
David H. Gent, Briana Claassen, Michele Wiseman and Luisa Santamaria
EM 9256 | Published October 2019, Reviewed 2023
Powdery mildew is one of the most important diseases of hop. If not managed appropriately, powdery mildew can lead to complete loss of marketable crops. Disease management is difficult and often incomplete in susceptible varieties. This is because, in part, no single tactic is adequate. Successful management requires an integrated set of practices — from cultural, biological and chemical tactics to the planting of resistant varieties. These best management practices can help growers minimize damage from the disease.
Before planting
Select the least susceptible variety available
Powdery mildew susceptibility varies widely among hop varieties, ranging from entirely resistant to extremely susceptible. Planting resistant or less susceptible varieties is the most efficient means of managing powdery mildew. When markets allow, choose varieties that are least susceptible to the disease (Table 1). In general, most hop varieties are more susceptible to powdery mildew when grown in western Oregon than when grown in south-central Washington.
Table 1.Powdery mildew susceptibility in a range of hop varieties
Limited or no fungicides required
Moderately susceptible
Typically <4 fungicide applications/year
Typically 4–8 fungicide applications/year
Highly susceptible
>8 applications/year
CrystalCentennialCascadeApolloCometFuggleCashmereColumbus/Tomahawk/ZeusLotusMt. HoodNuggetPahtoNewportSimcoe
Susceptibility and fungicide inputs depend on prevailing weather conditions and which race of the fungus is present. For example, Apollo, Mt. Hood and Nugget are resistant to many races of the powdery mildew fungus and require fungicides only when virulent races of the pathogen are present. However, the powdery mildew fungus can develop new races, eventually overcoming resistance in the host. Susceptibility also varies with climate. Varieties in the moderately susceptible and susceptible categories often require more intensive management in cooler climates such as the Willamette Valley of Oregon, as opposed to warmer climates such as the Yakima Valley in Washington.
Ensure that planting material is free of powdery mildew
The powdery mildew fungus spreads easily on planting material. Genetic evidence indicates that the powdery mildew fungus spread across the U.S. in association with infected planting material. If plants are produced in a nursery or greenhouse, verify that the planting material is free of powdery mildew. Conduct a close visual inspection or a grow-out to confirm disease-free status (Figure 1).
Cultural measures after planting
Cultural practices after planting are the foundation of disease management. These practices help to delay disease development and create an environment less conducive to the disease, reducing the rate of disease spread.
Thoroughly prune yards in spring
In the western U.S., the powdery mildew fungus must survive the winter on living host tissue, which is provided by crown buds. In spring, thorough mechanical pruning is the most effective means of reducing overwintering inoculum of the pathogen (Table 2). Two pruning operations are often necessary to ensure all green tissue is removed thoroughly. For instance, it is more effective to follow a mechanical pruning with a later chemical desiccation of remaining shoots. Consider variety, plant age and weather when pruning to avoid injuring the plants.
Table 2. Association of pruning method and pruning thoroughness on occurrence of powdery mildew flag shoots in Oregon hop yards
Total yardsYards with flag shootsYards without flag shootsFlag shoot prevalence (%)Pruning methodChemical/unpruned360223386.1Mechanical12911280.8Pruning thoroughnessPoor or moderate283232508.1Excellent20642021.9
Prune as late as possible in spring
In addition to thorough pruning, pruning as late as possible in spring can reduce the severity of powdery mildew. How late pruning can occur depends on variety, plant vigor and other factors (Figure 2).
Reduce canopy density
Powdery mildew is favors dense canopies, shade, rapid growth rate of the plant, moderate temperatures (50–85°F) and high humidity. Reduce canopy density where possible by training few shoots per plant, ensuring adequate spacing of plants and strings, and avoiding excessive fertility.
Moderate nitrogen rates
Late-season powdery mildew on leaves and cones is associated with the amount of nitrogen applied (Figure 3). Reduce nitrogen rates as low as feasible for yield goals; avoid nitrogen applications after bloom. For well-managed crops, less than 200 pounds per acre of nitrogen generally is adequate for maximizing yield and cone quality.
Remove midseason basal foliage
When powdery mildew is present, removing basal foliage at least twice during the late spring and summer months reduces the severity of powdery mildew, especially on cones. Scout basal foliage regrowth late in the season for signs of disease.
Manage weeds, cover crops and irrigation to reduce humidity
Powdery mildew favors high humidity and moderate temperatures. Manage other vegetation in the yard to promote air flow and reduce humidity where possible. Excessive irrigation also favors powdery mildew. Matching irrigation to plant demand can help to reduce disease levels.
Promote root health
There is a general correlation between root health, late-season water stress and the impact of powdery mildew on cones. Areas of hop yards with rocky soil or other factors that limit root development tend to be most severely impacted when powdery mildew occurs on cones. That is because diseased cones mature more rapidly than healthy cones. Cultural practices that promote a larger root system can help to delay this accelerated maturation of cones. Irrigating for longer periods does not compensate for poor root health.
Chemical controls
In susceptible varieties, it is usually necessary to apply fungicides in regions where disease pressure is high. Find an updated list of registered fungicides at An online risk index can help you determine disease hazard levels (see Note that fungicides alone are not enough to manage the disease in the absence of cultural practices or other control measures.
Ensure timely fungicide application
The efficacy of fungicide programs depends on disease pressure. The timing of the first fungicide application is critical to keeping disease levels low. In high disease-risk situations, this corresponds to when disease is present on less than 1% of plants.
Incorporate products with contact activity in fungicide programs
Most synthetic fungicides have limited or no postinfection (kick-back) activity. Using fungicides with postinfection activity can enhance disease control. Examples of fungicides with postinfection activity include horticultural oils, bicarbonates and, to a lesser extent, sulfur.
Apply the right fungicide at the right time
Using the most effective fungicides during bloom and the early stages of cone elongation can significantly enhance control of powdery mildew on hop cones at harvest. Fungicides containing quinoxyfen (Quintec), fluopyram (Luna products), and flutriafol (TopGuard Specialty Crops) have been shown to be most effective during this period (Figure 4). You’ll need short intervals of the most effective fungicides for maximal disease control. Fungicides applied after mid-August can reduce disease levels on cones and improve cone color, but these improvements tend to be marginal. The timing of the last fungicide application depends on disease pressure, variety susceptibility and harvest date.
Consider other fungicide factors
Postharvest fungicide applications for powdery mildew generally are not recommended in established yards in the western U.S. Information is not available on the benefit of fungicides applied after harvest in first-year plantings or where the sexual stage of the fungus (forming chasmothecia) occurs.
Ensure thorough application coverage
It is exceedingly difficult to obtain adequate spray coverage on hop (Figure 5). Measure actual spray coverage using dyes and water-sensitive paper at various heights in the canopy and in the interior of plants. Where permitted, include a surfactant to improve coverage.Always apply fungicides at rates specified on the product label.
Other considerations
Scout, sample and monitor for disease
Disease outbreaks are more easily managed when discovered early. Monitor powdery mildew levels throughout the growing season to ensure timely and appropriate application of various disease management strategies. Disease scouting is critical for identifying problems with fungicide applications, such as spray coverage issues or disease control failures due to fungicide resistance. Sampling should ideally be conducted weekly. Carefully examine at least 100 to 200 plants in a hop yard. Spread out sampling over the entire yard, but specifically target known problem areas.
Table 3.Seasonal calendar of management considerations for powdery mildew
The timeframe shown here is approximate. The necessity of any given practice depends on variety, disease pressure and other factors.
Off-seasonMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptBefore plantingVariety selectionxPlant population/spacingxEnsure planting material
is disease-freexxxxCultural practicesScouting/monitoringxxxxxxxxxxThorough spring pruning;
adjust timingxxxxxTraining densityxxxReduce nitrogen fertilization
as much as feasiblexxxxxxRemove basal foliagexxxxxManage cover crops/weedsxxxxxxxxAvoid excessive irrigationxxxxxxxxChemical controlsFirst fungicide applicationxxIncorporate fungicides
with contact activityxxxxxxxxIncorporate copper
into downy mildew programxxxxGeneral period for use
of sulfur fungicidesxxxxUse of drip-applied fungicidesxxxUse of foliar-applied fungicides with excellent residual and
post-infection activityxxUse of most efficacious fungicides on conesxxApply fungicides up to
preharvest interval for maximum disease controlxxQuantity coverage; adjust sprayer for maximum coveragexxxxxxxxxxOther considerationsCommunicate disease levelsxxxxxxxxxxMonitor dry matter to time harvestxx
Communicate disease risks to neighbors
The powdery mildew fungus can travel long distances — multiple miles — as airborne spores. Knowing where the disease is present in the region helps growers gauge the hazard of infection due to inoculum originating from other yards or farms. Disease spread is mostly localized to a few miles in spring. Later in the summer, it can disperse over longer distances.
Harvest in a timely manner
Cone dehydration and maturation accelerate in the presence of powdery mildew. In varieties such as Galena and Zeus, monitor dry matter early and harvest before dry matter exceeds approximately 25.5% to maintain cone color and minimize crop losses during picking (Figure 6).
Gent, D.H., G.G. Grove, M.E. Nelson, S.N. Wolfenbarger and J.L. Woods. 2014. Crop damage caused by powdery mildew on hop and its relationship to late season management. Plant Pathology
Gent, D. H., C. Probst, M.E. Nelson, G.G. Grove, S.T. Massie and M.C. Twomey. 2016. Interaction of basal foliage removal and late season fungicide applications in management of hop powdery mildew. Plant Disease
Gent, D.H., W.F. Mahaffee, W.W. Turechek, C.M. Ocamb, M.C. Twomey, J.L. Woods and C. Probst. 2019. Risk factors for bud perennation of Podosphaera macularis on hop. Phytopathology
Nelson, M.E., D.H. Gent and G.G. Grove. 2015. Meta-analysis reveals a critical period for management of powdery mildew on hop cones. Plant Disease
Probst, C., M.E. Nelson, G.G. Grove, M.C. Twomey and D.H. Gent. 2016. Hop powdery mildew control through alteration of spring pruning practices. Plant Disease
Twomey, M.C., S.N. Wolfenbarger, J.L. Woods and D.H. Gent. 2015. Development of partial ontogenic resistance to powdery mildew in hop cones. PloS ONE
Wolfenbarger, S., S.T. Massie, E.B. Eck, G.G. Grove, M.E. Nelson, C. Probst, M.C. Twomey and D.H. Gent. 2016. Distribution and characterization of Podosphaera macularis virulent on hop cultivars possessing R6-based resistance to powdery mildew. Plant Disease 100(6):1212-1221.
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