1. For best results start your rhizome in a 1 gallon container. Use a good quality, well draining potting soil. In particular a soil higher in perlite will drain better and offer less chance of rot. Keeping in mind that better drainage means less water retention. In other words, when the plant does start growing rapidly it will have less "reserve" of something to drink. A Good Watering Rule of thumb is: ( Water with 1/3 or 33% of container size). 1 gallon size container = 1 quart or 32 oz of Water
2. Wait. Once you water you will probably not need to water for a week or so. Maybe more. Take note of how heavy the soil container is when watered it. Be careful not to over water initially.
3. Keep moist but not drenched. I know we keep bringing it up, but more people kill their rhizome by rotting than anything. In other words, it gets "drowned" by too much water. Too much water displaces the Oxygen in the soil, preventing the plant/rhizome from breathing)
4. Fertilize and cultivate your hops. Hop Cultivation involves maintaining the soil above the plant as well. Scratch the soil with your fingers, a small rake or hoe. Don't go too deep. 1/4" to 1/2" is plenty. Just get the weeds away from the crown (plant) and help keep the soil open to water and air. Cultivation is important for all plants.
Fertilizer Information:
Hop Fertilizer Recommendations
One of the most frequently asked question regarding hop production is: What fertilizer to use? In general, hops are strong plants and a successful harvest is much more dependent on genetics and growing conditions rather than what type of fertilizer is used.
We have found the following fertilizers to be the best combination of efficacy and cost:
13-2-13, 15-5-15, and 20-10-20. Try to avoid fertilizers that are high in Phosphorous (middle number) relative to the other elements. This prevents stretchy, soft growth.
Culturally, the best way to apply liquid fertilizer is at a low rate (such as 100ppm Nitrogen) with every irrigation. However, this is not practical for most people who will often feed with a higher rate (200-300ppm Nitrogen) followed by two or three clear water irrigations.
For those wanting to top-dress a granular or slow-release fertilizer: follow the directions on the bag for tomato growing and that is generally a ball-park rate that works well for hops too.
5. It is best to put something the hop bine will climb. The plant does not do well if there is nothing to climb. Train by coiling the bines clockwise. Counter clockwise will not work. Contrary to popular belief the coiling is a product of growth and NOT the movement of the sun.When the potted plant starts to wilt or if the soil container feels "light" it may be time to up pot or go to the ground. When you are watering your plant every 2 days to maintain moisture you should transplant into the ground.
Some other things to consider.
Gently handle your rhizomes taking care to not break any of the eyes. If you do, don't worry, it happens. A new one will grow back.
Plant in Spring time (March to mid-June depending on local climate).
When deciding a location to plant your hop rhizome, keep in mind they are a vigorous plant. Hops will climb 20+ feet high.
The soil should be examined. A deep sandy loam is most desirable. Poorly draining, soils low in ph or saline soils should be avoided.
Absorption of water and nutrients through the roots. Vital for plant growth.
Transpiration (process of water is evaporated through leaves) helps plant take in minerals from soil and sustain other life functions. Water is essential.
Photosynthesis (make sure the plant has plenty of light!)
If you've decided you need mulch, find a good quality. Don't to your local superstore and buy the cheapest stuff they have, it's not worth it. Buy something made in your state or a reputable brand.
If using mulch or sand you'll want a big enough hole to allow back fill. In the end, the rhizome should be planted vertically 1" - 1.5" inches below the surface.
Be sure when planting, the eyes of the rhizome are pointing UP. Very important! This will ensure they will break the soil.
Need help with fertilizing your hops?
Click Here
Managing Powdery MIldew Here!
Hop Growing & Cultivation Pest Management Guide
So, you're ready to plant your hop rhizomes?
Here's five simple steps to success!
Hop Growing is rewarding, but requires some attention.
Follow these simple steps and you should have fantastic first year growth.
1. For best results start your rhizome in a 1 gallon container. Use a good quality, well draining potting soil. In particular a soil higher in perlite will drain better and offer less chance of rot. Keeping in mind that better drainage means less water retention. In other words, when the plant does start growing rapidly it will have less "reserve" of something to drink. A Good Watering Rule of thumb is: water 1/4 of container size by volume.
2. Wait. Once you water you will probably not need to water for a week or so. Maybe more. Take note of how heavy the soil container is when watered it. Be careful not to over water initially.
3. Keep moist, but not drenched.. I know we keep bringing it up, but more people kill their rhizome by rotting than anything. In other words it gets "drowned" by too much water. Too much water displaces the Oxygen in the soil, preventing the plant/rhizome from breathing)
4. Fertilize and Cultivate your hops. Hop Cultivation involves maintaining the soil above the plant as well. Scratch the soil with your fingers, a small rake or hoe. Don't go too deep. 1/4" to 1/2" is plenty. Just get the weeds away from the crown (plant), and help keep the soil open to water and air. Cultivation is important for all plants.
Fertilizer Information:
Hop Fertilizer Recommendations
One of the most frequently asked question regarding hop production is: What fertilizer to use? In general, hops are strong plants and a successful harvest is much more dependent on genetics and growing conditions rather than what type of fertilizer is used.
We have found the following fertilizers to be the best combination of efficacy and cost: 13-2-13, 15-5-15, and 20-10-20. Try to avoid fertilizers that are high in Phosphorous (middle number) relative to the other elements. This prevents stretchy, soft growth.
Culturally, the best way to apply liquid fertilizer is at a low rate (such as 100ppm Nitrogen) with every irrigation. However, this is not practical for most people who will often feed with a higher rate (200-300ppm Nitrogen) followed by two or three clear water irrigations.
For those wanting to top-dress a granular or slow-release fertilizer: follow the directions on the bag for tomato growing and that is generally a ball-park rate that works well for hops too.
5. It is best to put something the hop bine will climb. The plant does not do well if there is nothing to climb. Train by coiling the bines clockwise. Counter clockwise will not work. Contrary to popular belief the coiling is a product of growth and NOT the movement of the sun.When the potted plant starts to wilt or if the soil container feels "light" it may be time to up pot or go to the ground. When you are watering your plant every 2 days to maintain moisture you should transplant into the ground.
Some other things to consider.
Gently handle your rhizomes taking care to not break any of the eyes. If you do, don't worry, it happens. A new one will grow back.
Plant in Spring time (March to mid-June depending on local climate).
When deciding a location to plant your hop rhizome, keep in mind they are a vigorous plant. Hops will climb 20+ feet high.
The soil should be examined. A deep sandy loam is most desirable. Poorly draining, soils low in ph or saline soils should be avoided.
Absorption of water and nutrients through the roots. Vital for plant growth.
Transpiration (process of water is evaporated through leaves) helps plant take in minerals from soil and sustain other life functions. Water is essential.
Photosynthesis (make sure the plant has plenty of light!)
If you've decided you need mulch, find a good quality. Don't to your local superstore and buy the cheapest stuff they have, it's not worth it. Buy something made in your state or a reputable brand.
If using mulch or sand you'll want a big enough hole to allow back fill. In the end, the rhizome should be planted vertically 1" - 1.5" inches below the surface.
Be sure when planting, the eyes of the rhizome are pointing UP. Very important! This will ensure they will break the soil.
Need help with fertilizing your hops?
Click Here
Having Disease Problems?
Click Here for A how to grow hops at home guide. Published by Oregon State University!
For more information on growing, harvesting and brewing your hops please visit our Links page.
field guide for integrated pest management in hops
Are your hops looking unhealthy?
Don't get discouraged! We have organic solutions to your problems!
We take pride in helping every hop grower be as successful as the next. Here are a few helpful tips we've put together for some common hop problems. Any questions or concerns can be emailed to us. The more information you can provide us the better we can assist you. Pictures, videos, etc.
Powdery Mildew ‹-click to view more - is caused by the fungus Podosphaera Macularis. This is not a fungus brewers should take lightly because it can cause severe crop damage and may result in lost production and minimized cone quality.
Downy Mildew ‹-click to view more - is caused by the fungus Pseudoperonospora Humuli. This is a very serious disease that may cause yield and quality loss depending on susceptibility of the variety and timing of the infection.
More coming soon!